♥ Annieta : Westfries Museum
JoCo Knoop: Bad hair day at the pool
eric_fotografie: The proud one …
Peter Jaspers: The Street - Castle Combe
holland fotograaf: Peacock castle
Geziena: Boedapest
Paul Beentjes: Meertje van Vogelenzang
bertrand kulik: Turbulence en altitude, punch hole cloud
eric_fotografie: Guilty pleasure …
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Frank van Dongen: Whispers of Gold
Peter Jaspers: Hamer en beitel
wjpostma: Schuinschild
atsjebosma: city view........
Benny Bulke: Pausing Between Light and Structure
Marc Haegeman Photography: My tail is not just long
Tony_Fallon: Short Eared owl
Carlo Tavallini: Long-tailed tit
Hugo von Schreck: Volucella pellucens - Explore
JLS@Photos: Great Crested Grebe with fish, Grèbe huppé avec poisson
s.w.Lepak: the little lady of the pond
CODA: MARINE 475: Wagner Falls
Ricardo Menor: Frontal de kirbyi
BraCom (Bram): Winter Sunrise
stewartbaird: Floral