Ramana Kumar B EFIAP, FFIP,PPSA,ASoF: gopurams awaiting dawn
Ramana Kumar B EFIAP, FFIP,PPSA,ASoF: sunset at the lake near the ruins
Ramana Kumar B EFIAP, FFIP,PPSA,ASoF: lotus mahal with the well
Ramana Kumar B EFIAP, FFIP,PPSA,ASoF: The magnificant elephant stables
Ramana Kumar B EFIAP, FFIP,PPSA,ASoF: arial view of the ruins
Ramana Kumar B EFIAP, FFIP,PPSA,ASoF: mandapam top of a hillock
Ramana Kumar B EFIAP, FFIP,PPSA,ASoF: waiting for everyone including the lord
Ramana Kumar B EFIAP, FFIP,PPSA,ASoF: three temples near Virupaksha
Ramana Kumar B EFIAP, FFIP,PPSA,ASoF: ruins with the virupakshna temple gopuram in the backdrop
Ramana Kumar B EFIAP, FFIP,PPSA,ASoF: two storied mandapam with the goupuram in the backdrop
Ramana Kumar B EFIAP, FFIP,PPSA,ASoF: view of three gopurams from the temple
Ramana Kumar B EFIAP, FFIP,PPSA,ASoF: elephants and lions as guardians
Ramana Kumar B EFIAP, FFIP,PPSA,ASoF: hampi as in the textbooks
Ramana Kumar B EFIAP, FFIP,PPSA,ASoF: corridor at tthe royal bath
Ramana Kumar B EFIAP, FFIP,PPSA,ASoF: step well in full splendour
Ramana Kumar B EFIAP, FFIP,PPSA,ASoF: entrance to the Hazar Rama Temple
Ramana Kumar B EFIAP, FFIP,PPSA,ASoF: step well of the royal enclosure
Ramana Kumar B EFIAP, FFIP,PPSA,ASoF: Hazar rama temple in Hampi
Ramana Kumar B EFIAP, FFIP,PPSA,ASoF: All roads lead to the lord - Vijaya Vittala temple
Ramana Kumar B EFIAP, FFIP,PPSA,ASoF: in the Virupaksha temple