braintoast: Otto T. Dog at the vet, unaware of how he's about to have his temperature taken.
braintoast: Day 1 - Otto T. Dog
braintoast: I'm good...just keep the toys coming.
braintoast: Ears in the bowl
braintoast: Otto T. Dog is unimpressed.
braintoast: Sleepy puppy stinkeye.
braintoast: Otto waiting for the vet
braintoast: Otto about to become unhinged
braintoast: Otto on the back poo-erch
braintoast: Otto on the back poo-erch
braintoast: It's a stick...
braintoast: At the vet...again?!
braintoast: On the Poo-erch
braintoast: Snowly geez!
braintoast: Desert dog.
braintoast: Pretty okay with the vet.
braintoast: Hike hike hike hike hike.
braintoast: French horn tickles Otto's brain.