braintoast: You're here...or home...or whatever.
braintoast: At the Slow Burn Lounge
braintoast: At the usual
braintoast: A note from bar management
braintoast: Your motown internet (and radio station)
braintoast: REED tending to his meat
braintoast: Pink is the new black
braintoast: My favorite neighbors
braintoast: Lovely mountains
braintoast: Big, metal, with a hammock
braintoast: I apparently needed nail polish
braintoast: Double decker fun
braintoast: nice bamboo
braintoast: Man #2, pre-burn
braintoast: apocalypse indeed
braintoast: Fly your pants proudly
braintoast: Steampunk Treehouse
braintoast: Temple in the daytime
braintoast: Here comes another one
braintoast: this one's gonna be a juicer!
braintoast: Yes. There was some dust this year.
braintoast: Steve rocking a dust storm
braintoast: Crude Awakening in the daytime
braintoast: View toward city center from Crude Awakening (oil derrick)
braintoast: View from atop Crude Awakening (oil derrick)
braintoast: Figure @ Crude Awakening
braintoast: Big Rig Jig
braintoast: The Fandango bar stays busy all the time
braintoast: Did I mention the bar was 50 ft. from my tent?
braintoast: Random bartop flotsam