braintoast: Walking around in Fremont
braintoast: Lenin? Yes, Lenin.
braintoast: blurry del girlies
braintoast: A nice stone caduceus
braintoast: Eat it! Eat it all!
braintoast: Somewhere near Archie McPhee
braintoast: Sneak out of your Seuss book ,will ya?
braintoast: Reflecting on the reflecting pool
braintoast: The lovely Soucy sisters
braintoast: More loveliness
braintoast: Large, old water tower in Seattle
braintoast: View from the water tower
braintoast: Inside the water tower
braintoast: View of DT Seattle from Volunteer Park
braintoast: More DT Seattle
braintoast: View of downtown me
braintoast: Even more DT Seattle
braintoast: awwww....
braintoast: Come on! How cute is that?!
braintoast: Walking in Volunteer Park
braintoast: Imposing hilltop hospital building (Amazon?)
braintoast: Imposing hilltop hospital building (Amazon?)
braintoast: mmmm...taters
braintoast: Marty -n- Aimee showing off their table salt collection
braintoast: awww...
braintoast: grate! grate like you've never grated before!
braintoast: Out the plane window returning to Mpls
braintoast: Out the plane window returning to Mpls
braintoast: Out the plane window returning to Mpls