braineater: Big fat cat. Little stick legs.
braineater: You'll pay for this...
braineater: Don't look at my fat, yo!
braineater: What the hell did you do to my tail?!
braineater: Murray: wet and upset
braineater: Handsome Pants!
braineater: My head appears from nowhere!
braineater: Murray, drunk on vinyl fumes
braineater: Murray loves the heat vent
braineater: Murray loves the fridge
braineater: Drawers full of Pants
braineater: Murray's take on moving?
braineater: Scariest Murray picture—ever!!
braineater: King Pantos!
braineater: Catloaf!
braineater: Murray loves stinky shoes
braineater: Pants takes no prisoners. Only naps.
braineater: Meta-pants!
braineater: Batshit cat. Shit!
braineater: "Dude, I'm totally sane!"
braineater: Metal is no match for Murray
braineater: SMAAASH!!!
braineater: "No really, what is this stuff?"
braineater: Who put all this snow on Murray's patio?
braineater: Murray pr0n
braineater: Murray loves a good box
braineater: Capsized Pants
braineater: Tweaker!
braineater: A nap with a cat
braineater: Stalking our ankles