reyjrar: Puppy Bathing
reyjrar: Puppy Bathing
reyjrar: Carrie getting to the bottom of things
reyjrar: Carrie getting to the bottom of things
reyjrar: I didn't do it
reyjrar: I didn't do it
reyjrar: Carrie on the Boat
reyjrar: Carrie Swimming
reyjrar: Carrie
reyjrar: My Wife & Dog @ Concord Point
reyjrar: Carrie Posing
reyjrar: Carrie, on the return
reyjrar: Carrie exploding after a ball!
reyjrar: Why'd you stop?
reyjrar: Heading out into the storm..
reyjrar: April walking Carrie on Potomac St
reyjrar: April walking Carrie on Potomac St
reyjrar: The Family out for a walk
reyjrar: Seriously, let's keep moving.