lexiechan: Christmas Wish Books
lexiechan: Superstar Barbie doll
lexiechan: Prototype Talking Barbie doll
lexiechan: Sweet 16 at Sears
lexiechan: Barbie Red Satin formal
lexiechan: Ken Sign
lexiechan: Family Affair Show Doll SHop
lexiechan: Just look behind the sales lady!
lexiechan: So dreamy
lexiechan: FamilyAffair 001
lexiechan: Cute Francie Doll illustration
lexiechan: Francie illustrations
lexiechan: Golden Dream Barbie
lexiechan: Golden Dream Barbie Poster
lexiechan: Partying with Barbie and Amanda
lexiechan: Amanda Posing
lexiechan: The exhibit
lexiechan: Welcome to the event!
lexiechan: Sweet 16 Packaging
lexiechan: From the 1974 Mattel Catalog
lexiechan: Barbie fashions
lexiechan: Becky!
lexiechan: Details
lexiechan: Orange shift, blue sheath
lexiechan: For the Love of Francie
lexiechan: Spotted at TRU today
lexiechan: Sweet 16 Paper doll
lexiechan: Color Magic Illustration
lexiechan: barbie sign
lexiechan: Cool Box, vintage Japanese Barbie