Three projects on the work bench today, all involving soldering! Setting up #arduino controlled lights for the spaceship model, repairs to my #3dprinter, and a major upgrade to #cambot @biolapse hooked me up with an awesome etched shield to hold motor dri
Cleaned the wiring and set the motor drivers up on stand-offs the whole enclosure looks orderly and ready to rock. It's amazing how much progress I could make in an afternoon without actually testing the components, maybe procrastinating a tad. #stewardes
Two steps forward one back. Soldered up some new longer wires for the motors, long enough to go along the motion control camera crane. I'm now up to six drivers in here, which should be exciting, but instead I saw the #magicsmoke guess now I need to take
Taking the advice of a super genius coworker I delved back into the guts of #cambot with my smallest soldering iron to check connections and clean up this mess of spaghetti. It took hours but I think my #motioncontrol rig is close, the motors now move in
Did some more wiring on the pan and tilt #motioncontrol rig, checked the vga line for shorts and confirmed there was no short. One of the motors only travels in one direction and the other is underpowered, so the problem must be the stepper drivers, maybe
Still figuring out how the pan bearing and axel should work. I tried tapping a bearing and threading in some plumbing nipples, which hold it together well, until a few spins unthread the pipe and it all falls apart. #cambot #moco #pantilt #art #3dprinted
Getting my bearings. #cambot ie coming together.. I need to figure what kind of hollow bolt and bearing to use in this top pan hinge that will allow the slip ring to work and not drop the camera ;) #moco #arduino #make #art
More #motioncontrol experimentation. Wired up 12v power supply to the #arduino and #easydriver but only getting chittery noises from the stepper motor. Need to experiment more. #make #art #moco #cambot
Fresh off the #3dprinter ! A new #gear for #cambot #art
Starting to look more like a robot #cambot #motioncontrol #art #3dprinted
Furniture Tetris. #Cambot is moved over and cleared the #krawlr off the stage. Made room for a futon, hooray for comfortable seating! #studio #stopmotion #drabfuture #motioncontrol #fengshui
Reorganizing the stage, but realizing #cambot makes it hard to sit at the computer. Tetris continues. #fengshui #stopmotion #motioncontrol #drabfuture #art