Bradford Timeline: ~Matilda~ tanks under construction - July 1941 - World War 2
Bradford Timeline: Allied capture of Danascus - Free French troops march in - July 1941 - World War 2
Bradford Timeline: Bren Carriers landing fom British invasion barges in Scotland - July 1941 - World War 2
Bradford Timeline: Britain's latest shock troops in army tests - Vilent advance assault methods - July 1941 - World War 2
Bradford Timeline: British and Imperial troops in Tobruk harbour - July 1941 - World War 2
Bradford Timeline: Camouflage for snipers - July 1941 - World War 2
Bradford Timeline: Captured French tank being examined by Americam army experts - July 1941 - World War 2
Bradford Timeline: Channel gun 'bochebuster' (1) - July 1941 - World War 2
Bradford Timeline: Channel gun 'bochebuster' (2) - July 1941 - World War 2
Bradford Timeline: Channel gun 'bochebuster' (3) - July 1941 - World War 2
Bradford Timeline: Compressed air being fed into a torpedo - July 1941 - World War 2
Bradford Timeline: Corvette on gurad in the Battle of the Atlantic - July 1941 - World War 2
Bradford Timeline: Corvette v Submarine - July 1941 - World War 2
Bradford Timeline: Crashed German glider - July 1941 - World War 2
Bradford Timeline: Crete - British soldiers captured by German paratroops - July 1941 - World War 2
Bradford Timeline: Crete - German paratroops unloading equipment - July 1941 - World War 2
Bradford Timeline: Cruiser tanks - July 1941 - World War 2
Bradford Timeline: Distinguished evacuees - Some famous London statues which have been removed from the London target area to the peace of the countryside - July 1941 - World War 2
Bradford Timeline: General Chiang Kai-Shek - July 1941 - World War 2
Bradford Timeline: General Rommel - July 1941 - World War 2
Bradford Timeline: General Sir Claude Auchinleck - July 1941 - World War 2
Bradford Timeline: German glider (1) - July 1941 - World War 2
Bradford Timeline: German glider (2) - July 1941 - World War 2
Bradford Timeline: German paratroopps in Crete - July 1941 - World War 2
Bradford Timeline: Heavy infantry tank - July 1941 - World War 2
Bradford Timeline: How the Nazis took Crete - Enemy views of paratroop operations - July 1941 - World War 2
Bradford Timeline: Italian surrender at Amba Alagi - July 1941 - World War 2
Bradford Timeline: Latest Supermarine Spitfire - July 1941 - World War 2
Bradford Timeline: manufacturing an artificial wind stream to train glider pilots - July 1941 - World War 2
Bradford Timeline: Mark III 'Valentine' tank (1) - July 1941 - World War 2