Bradford Timeline:
Air gunner training - Clearing stoppages in a Browning gun
Bradford Timeline:
Air gunner training - Wooden model of a Messerschmitt 109
Bradford Timeline:
Badges of our airmen - from RFC to RAF (1)
Bradford Timeline:
Badges of our airmen - from RFC to RAF (2)
Bradford Timeline:
Badges of our airmen - from RFC to RAF (3)
Bradford Timeline:
'Battle of the Atlantic' - Destroyer escorting a large convoy
Bradford Timeline:
Bombs exploding on the railroad at Keren
Bradford Timeline:
'Boston' bombers ready for assembly - Douglas Aircraft Company, Santa Monica
Bradford Timeline:
British aircraft camouflage - Colour merging into surroundings
Bradford Timeline:
British infrantryman in full battle equipment
Bradford Timeline:
BRitish Sapper open an Italian land mine
Bradford Timeline:
British Sappers searching for Italian land mines
Bradford Timeline:
Capture of Derna - Minefields cleared and booty seized
Bradford Timeline:
Capture of Derna - Motorised column
Bradford Timeline:
Capture of Derna
Bradford Timeline:
Corvette crew preparing depth charges
Bradford Timeline:
Electrically operated gun turret
Bradford Timeline:
Food supplies for the army - RASC men drawing rations
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German aircraft camouflage - The method of sombre colours
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German dive bomber crew
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German incendiary bombs - Clockwork and electric
Bradford Timeline:
German troops march into Italy
Bradford Timeline:
Greece's triumph in Albania - Captive colonel
Bradford Timeline:
Greece's triumph in Albania - Enemy tanks
Bradford Timeline:
Greek infrantry man
Bradford Timeline:
Hainan - Japanese soldier on a 9'2 inch gun
Bradford Timeline:
Hainan - Japanese troops on the march
Bradford Timeline:
Heaviest bomb dropped on Britain
Bradford Timeline:
How to recognise rank in the Royal Navy (1)
Bradford Timeline:
How to recognise rank in the Royal Navy (2)