Bradford Timeline:
1st December 1940 - First 'Lift' petrol charge (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline:
2nd December 1940 - 1d a pound off sugar (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline:
2nd December 1940 - Alarmed Nazis soy hunting in Norway (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline:
3rd December 1940 - Bananas (while you can get them) to be 2d (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline:
3rd December 1940 - New fighter planes to carry cannon (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline:
4th December 1940 - Britain orders sixty new ships from USA (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline:
4th December 1940 - Children must go to school (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline:
5th December 1940 - RAF defied ice and fog - Bombed Rhine railways (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline:
6th December 1940 - RAF and AA repel coast raids - 14 Naxis down (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline:
7th December 1940 - Hitler plans to take slices from France (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline:
8th December 1940 - RAF boms on thye bombers (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline:
9th December 1940 - Nazis brought Coventry style blitz to London (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline:
9th December 1940 - Rules for tube shelters (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline:
10th December 1940 - BBC will sack its Objectors (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline:
11th December 1940 - You talk - Spies like these listen (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline:
12th December 1940 - Restaurant meals may be rationed (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline:
13th December 1940 - 4 raiders shot down - We lost none (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline:
13th December 1940 - More for injured civilians (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline:
14th December 1940 - GHQ Cairo (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline:
15th December 1940 - Baby tanks to invade Britain (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline:
15th December 1940 - British Railways - The trains MUST go through (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline:
15th December 1940 - Heavy bombs on U-Boat base (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline:
15th December 1940 - Knights of the air - Squadron Leader Roland Robert tUCK (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline:
15th December 1940 - Meat ration is cut from tomorrow (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline:
15th December 1940 - Nazi traffic chaos - Worse every day for Hitler (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline:
15th December 1940 - Post much earlier this Christmas (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline:
15th December 1940 - Shelter row over monkey (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline:
16th December 1940 - Berlin says (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline:
17th December 1940 - Nazis gun train and boys (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline:
18th December 1940 - Whirlwind - Britain's new secret fighter (World War 2)