Bradford Timeline: 1st December 1940 - Greeks capture more positions (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline: 2nd December 1940 - Greeks open way to easier advance (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline: 3rd December 1940 - Soviet rushing forts along German border (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline: 4th December 1940 - RAF raids Naples oil refineries (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline: 5th December 1940 - Italians surrendering two bases and port - Falling back everywhere (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline: 6th December 1940 - RAF strikes big new blows at Italy (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline: 7th December 1940 - Germans mean to keep Channel port for good (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline: 8th December 1940 - Italy's troubles may wreck axis (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline: 9th December 1940 = Fire bombs led raiders to the capital (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline: 10th December 1940 - 1000 Italians captured - Enemy general among killed (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline: 11th December 1940 - Two Italian divisions are reported cut off - RAF downs 22 planes (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline: 12th December 1940 - British drive after fall of Sidi Barrani - Three generals and many prisoners taken (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline: 13th December 1940 - Wavell drives ahead - 20000 prisoners (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline: 14th December 1940 - First full stories of the Italian rout (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline: 15th December 1940 - British fight way to Libyan border (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline: 16th December 1940 - British enter Libta - Take greatest haul in history (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline: 17th December 1940 - British capture Sollum and Fort Capuzzo - 13 mile drive into Libya (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline: 18th December 1940 - Routed army bottled up - Three more forts captured (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline: 19th December 1940 - Bardia defence pierced - Navy shells it, RAF bombs it as Italians retret (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline: 20th December 1940 - 'Go ahead' with your orders Roosevelt tells Britain (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline: 21st December 1940 - Bardia army trying to escape - RAF takes up chase (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline: 22nd December 1940 - Peace or war in balance - say Nazis (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline: 23rd December 1940 - Halifax for US - Eden Foreign Secretary (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline: 24th December 1940 - Churchill bares war secret - Duce rejected peace (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline: 25th December 1940 - Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline: 26th December 1940 - Guns and food for Eire (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline: 27th December 1940 - Iron ring is closed on Bardia - Final blow any hour (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline: 28th December 1940 - Nazis pkot to make Laval a puppet premier (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline: 29th December 1940 - Axis upset by loss of prestige (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline: 30th December 1940 - No peace talk possible with the Dictators say Roosevelt (World War 2)