Bradford Timeline:
1st October 1940 - 49 raiders shot down - Nazi destroys a comrade's Messerschmitt in battle (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline:
2nd October 1940 - Nazi raider crashes in Windsor Great Park (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline:
3rd October 1940 - Berlin machinery factories bombed - Nazis admit RAF success (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline:
4th October 1940 - Sheiks evacuate wives from desert (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline:
5th October 1940 - Civilian labour to clear air raid debris (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline:
6th October 1940 - Warm shelters for everyone (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline:
7th October 1940 - Nazis start trams for Jews only (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline:
8th October 1940 - Blazing RAF plane dived to attack Nazi ship (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline:
9th October 1940 - Air blitz caught city crowd (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline:
10th October 1940 - London guns shoot down Nazis;' flares (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline:
11th October 1940 - Spitfire wrecks house and shop (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline:
12th October 1940 - Seven big German oil plants badly damaged by RAF (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline:
13th October 1940 - All aboard a Flying Fortress (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline:
13th October 1940 - US 'Aces' coming - Th Eagle Squadron (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline:
14th October 1940 - Don't worry about water (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline:
15th October 1940 - German;s son jailed for photo of plane (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline:
16th October 1942 - Night raiders over London 4 at a time - Mr. Bevin bomb escape (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline:
17th October 1940 - Evacuate by order (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline:
18th October 1940 - British women made to strip in Rumania (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline:
19th October 1940 - Two bombs on Berlin for every one in London (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline:
20th October 1940 - Mo invasion plans they say (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline:
21st October 1940 - Shelters for ducks (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline:
22nd October 1940 - Girls are staying from work to go sheleter queueing - And this to stop the queues (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline:
23rd October 1940 - 2000 miners may clean up London (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline:
24th October 1940 - Invasion secrets revealed - All that can be told (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline:
24th October 1940 - Register November - Men born in 1905 (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline:
25th October 1940 - Air Vice Marshall C.H.B. Blount killed in crash (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline:
26th October 1940 - Biggest fighter raid yet on Britain (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline:
27th October 1940 - Cartoon (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline:
27th October 1940 - Fly with the RAF - Volunteer now (World War 2)