Bradford Timeline:
6th July 1940 - French warships taken over by the British navy (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline:
7th July 1940 - Expoers (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline:
7th July 1940 - If invader comes only army cars may use the roads (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline:
7th July 1940 - Stirrup pump training (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline:
8th July 1940 - Submarine 'Snapper' gets five more (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline:
9th July 1940 - Tea is rationed today to 2 ounces a week - Margarine next week (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline:
10th July 1940 - Axis plans threefold attack on Britain (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline:
11th July 1940 - Hitler tells Hungary to keep quiet till he beats Britain (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline:
12th July 1940 - Hitler is ready to deal with King Carol of Rumania (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline:
13th July 1940 - Hornsea (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline:
13th July 1940 RAF over Britain (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline:
14th July 1040 - USA to send air and land armada - Deadly new weapons to give Britain mastery (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline:
14th July 1940 - Ministry of Food - Register now for cooking fats (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline:
14th July 1940 - Nation's warning to everyone - What to expect if Hitler won (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline:
15th July 1940 - Chuchill speech - London defence street by street (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline:
16th July 1940 - The arrival in Canada of Nazi prisoners of war (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline:
17th July 1940 - One man 'Death' courts plan alarms MPs (2) (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline:
18th July 1940 - Bombers attack convoy (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline:
20th July 1940 - Two to one cruiser fight - One was sunk and one ran away (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline:
21st July 1940 - Ministry of Food - Cheap milk for Mothers and Children (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline:
21st July 1940 - Women keep war secrets - It's men who blab (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline:
22nd July 1940 - 14 raiders brought down this weekend (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline:
22nd July 1940 - Join Britain's Silent Column (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline:
23rd July 1940 - You must clear your lofts and attics NOW (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline:
24the July 1940 - War Budget No. 3 - What you pay (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline:
25th July 1940 - Dolls and scooters to help smash Hitler (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline:
26th July 1940 - Miss X gets her German - Because she left gas on (World War 2)
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27th July 1940 - Tanks passing through a village (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline:
28th July 1940 - New pensions for old - Bigger amounts next week (World War 2)
Bradford Timeline:
29th July 1940 - Britain's bombers are making holes in Nazi plane output (World War 2)