Bradford Timeline: 1st May 1945 - Back today with 'Full surrender offer - World War 2
Bradford Timeline: 2nd May 1940 - Hitler dies 'In Action' - Doenitz takes over - Says ' The fight goes on' - World War 2
Bradford Timeline: 3rd May 1945 - Wholesale surrender - Hitler, Goebbels committed suicide - World War 2
Bradford Timeline: 4th May 1945 - British 'Inside Denmark' - 500.00 surrender in two days - Russians out to solve Hitler riddle - World War 2
Bradford Timeline: 5th May1945 - And another million signed away in a marquee at Monty's HQ - World War 2
Bradford Timeline: 6th May 1940 - Last-hour surrender rush by Wehrmacht - World War 2
Bradford Timeline: 7th May 1945 - 'All over in Europe' news any hour now - World War 2
Bradford Timeline: 8th May 1945 - Europe At Peace - World War 2
Bradford Timeline: 9th May 1945 - Germany surrender is signed in Berlin - World War 2