Bradford Timeline:
British convoy
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Hand to hand fighting
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Traffic on a camouflaged road
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British forward outpost
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How gliding training helps the war pilot - Utilising clouds
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General Gamelin inspects Canadian troops
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The orderly but desperate move of the evacuated Finns
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The evacuations of Hango - Finnish citizens remove road signs
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Elaborate red equipment captured and exhibited at Helsinki
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Arms and equipment which the Finns had captured from the Russians
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A puzzling weapon captured by the Finns - The non-recoil gun
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A puzzling weapon captured by the Finns - The non-recoil gun
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What fighting at nearly 400 mph means to the airman
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The difficulties of manoeuvrability and pilot's 'black out'
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The Maginot Line
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The Maginot Line
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The Maginot Line
Bradford Timeline:
The Maginot Line
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The Maginot Line
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Norway interns a U-Boat
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R.N. engineering college
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British AA gunners in France
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British ambulance train
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Sunderland flying boat
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Norway invaded - Key towns brutally attacked by Germany
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Mechanical cavalry scouts of the B.E.F. - Mechanised cavalry 'charge'
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Strategic factors in the north - Swedish iron ore - Norway's coast
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Mines ready to be dropped
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Mine being laid from the stern of a British mine-layer
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HMS Rodney