Bradford Timeline:
1857 - Battle Of The River Plate (The) - Red Balloon (The)
Bradford Timeline:
1957 - A Hatful Of Raw - Abductors (The)
Bradford Timeline:
1957 - A King In New York - Black Ice
Bradford Timeline:
1957 - A Man Is Ten Feet Tall - Silent Fear
Bradford Timeline:
1957 - Abdulla The Great - Sccandals Incorporated
Bradford Timeline:
1957 - Across The Bridge - Account Rendered
Bradford Timeline:
1957 - An Affair To Remember
Bradford Timeline:
1957 - Anastasia (2)
Bradford Timeline:
1957 - Anastasia - Stranger (The)
Bradford Timeline:
1957 - At War With The Army - Submarine Command
Bradford Timeline:
1957 - Attack OfThe Crab Monsters - Not Of This Earth
Bradford Timeline:
1957 - Attila The Hun - South Sea Pirates
Bradford Timeline:
1957 - Autumn Leaves - Song Of India
Bradford Timeline:
1957 - Bachelor Party (The) - Monkey On My Back
Bradford Timeline:
1957 - Back From The Dead - Unknown Terror (The)
Bradford Timeline:
1957 - Beast Of Hollow Mountain (The) - Pharaoh's Curse
Bradford Timeline:
1957 - Best THings In Life Are Free (The)
Bradford Timeline:
1957 - Best Things In Life Are Free (The) - King and I (The)
Bradford Timeline:
1957 - Between Heaven & Hell - Overnight Haul
Bradford Timeline:
1957 - Birth Of A Baby - Affairs Of Sally
Bradford Timeline:
1957 - Black Sleep (The) - Four Boys Anda A Gun
Bradford Timeline:
1957 - Black Whip (The) - Wire Tappers
Bradford Timeline:
1957 - Boss (The) - 7th Cavalry
Bradford Timeline:
1957 - Boy On A Dolphin
Bradford Timeline:
1957 - Brute Force - Desperadoes (THe)
Bradford Timeline:
1957 - Canyon Passage - Men Of Sherwood Forest
Bradford Timeline:
1957 - Canyon River - Hold That Hypnotist
Bradford Timeline:
1957 - Checkpoint - Christine
Bradford Timeline:
1957 - China Gate - Land Of The Bible
Bradford Timeline:
1957 - City Across The River - Meet The Killer