Bracey: 84 x 30 ft AgraTech greenhouse Outside west end
Bracey: Outside louver detail
Bracey: inside ceiling fan pointing east
Bracey: rolling tables closed 3 flats across
Bracey: fertigation setup
Bracey: heat pad plugs and controller
Bracey: heat pad label
Bracey: 12 in x 20 ft heat pad on table
Bracey: table detail concrete path
Bracey: looking west from middle
Bracey: rolling tables different widths
Bracey: irrigation boom hose support
Bracey: irrigation boom center
Bracey: irrigation boom control 15 stations
Bracey: quantum controller box
Bracey: panic button for boom and hose
Bracey: south boom hanging
Bracey: boom emitters sprayers
Bracey: boom sprayers
Bracey: boom end
Bracey: liquid connector to boom
Bracey: water pressure gauge 35 psi
Bracey: east end fan housing
Bracey: east end outside door
Bracey: AgraTech label on door