Guys! Look! They are living in peace under the peace plant (not the technical name). ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
This is what happens when we try to take a morning walk. No way, back to bed! Is this odd for a puppy? #islaydogmi
I got my shots today. They were dumb but I know how to charm the living daylights out of everyone at the vet. #islaydog
Guys, #colbriggs is a little sad and he has no idea he's about to get eaten by this shark. Send him good thoughts
I get to come to work with mom while I crate train. Don't let this photo fool you, today I'm testing the limits and may not be invited back. # #islaydog #ultimatetroublemaker #ivefoundmyvoice
This was Briggs's reaction to me telling him he's illiterate. He's taking it pretty well, considering he can't read. #colbriggs