Bruno Pouliot: Inside the Pantheon. But what is that above?
Bruno Pouliot: Steve's apotheosis!
Bruno Pouliot: Capturing a mystic moment!
Bruno Pouliot: We love the Italians!
Bruno Pouliot: Sylvie musing.
Bruno Pouliot: Amazing Colosseum!
Bruno Pouliot: Yes it is that huge!
Bruno Pouliot: History everywhere, like nothing we had experienced before.
Bruno Pouliot: A good time at the Colosseum!
Bruno Pouliot: In the dungeons.
Bruno Pouliot: The only group photo of the entire trip!
Bruno Pouliot: They seemed to be everywhere in Rome
Bruno Pouliot: Street vendors: also everywhere in Rome.
Bruno Pouliot: The heart of Ancient Rome.
Bruno Pouliot: Also magical at night.