bpende: PodCamp Philly 3 - Whitney Opens up...
bpende: PodCamp Philly 3 - Lynette, the official videographer
bpende: PodCamp Philly 3 - Some of the PC Philly Board
bpende: PodCamp Philly 3 - Charter House, the recipient of this year's PC Philly donation
bpende: PodCamp Philly 3 - Not a bad crowd... 85% NEVER been to a PodCamp
bpende: PodCamp Philly 3 - Whitney tries hiding
bpende: PodCamp Philly 3 - Search Camp Philly opens up
bpende: PodCamp Philly 3 - Eileen O'Brien... she's real!!
bpende: PodCamp Philly 3 - ROI of Social Media 01
bpende: PodCamp Philly 3 - You wonder why they call him Ninja?
bpende: PodCamp Philly 3 - Summing up why fuzzy Social Media metrics don't matter :)
bpende: PodCamp Philly 3 - Wil Reynolds, SEO Suuuuper Genius
bpende: PodCamp Philly 3 - @conversationagent
bpende: PodCamp Philly 3 - @caffination doing Pecha Kucha
bpende: PodCamp Philly 3 - @caffination chilling during Pecha Kucha
bpende: PodCamp Philly 3 - @caffination... forgetting what this slide was about :)
bpende: PodCamp Philly 3 - Whitney battle deck presentation about "Dogs"
bpende: PodCamp Philly 3 - Kelsey battle deck on "high school"
bpende: PodCamp Philly 3 - Everett and @jaan battle deck about mice and cockroaches
bpende: PodCamp Philly 3 - @caffination... and ummm... another guy doing battle deck
bpende: PodCamp Philly 3 - Whitney giving away dog toys
bpende: PodCamp Philly 3 - @caffination and his history of coffee poster
bpende: PodCamp Philly 3 - @caffination and PodCamp Philly Poster 1
bpende: PodCamp Philly 3 - @caffination and PodCamp Philly Poster 2
bpende: PodCamp Philly 3 - Wil Reynolds... kind of energetic
bpende: PodCamp Philly 3 - @purplecar. Giving directions, I think.
bpende: PodCamp Philly 3 - The Bell Tower and the Paley Library
bpende: PodCamp Philly 3 - The Bell Tower 01
bpende: PodCamp Philly 3 - The Bell Tower 02
bpende: PodCamp Philly 3 - FourSquare on the quad... nice