bpende: Gene helping to prep the table
bpende: Gene making sure the table is -just right-
bpende: Gene obviously avoiding other PodCasters and checking the table again
bpende: Micro Table Shot 01
bpende: Micro Table Shot 02
bpende: Chris was moving a -lot-
bpende: Did I mention Chris didn't stand still much
bpende: Gene and his fan!!!! ok... one of his fans
bpende: njpa_tcfnj_20060422_099_by_lynette
bpende: njpa_tcfnj_20060422_100_by_lynette
bpende: njpa_tcfnj_20060422_101_by_lynette
bpende: Bob Bichler meets Greg Olsen... google him... he's an astronaut
bpende: Bob even had questions for him...
bpende: and Greg didn't walk away...
bpende: and this surprised Bob...
bpende: tcfnj_20060422_15
bpende: tcfnj_20060422_13
bpende: Rush Holt - The Congressman who was a Rocket Scientist
bpende: tcfnj_20060423_04
bpende: tcfnj_20060423_05
bpende: Yep, if there's video on somewhere... my kids'll watch it
bpende: Harold and Lynette discussing New York's finer points
bpende: USS Justice - http://www.ussjustice.org/
bpende: It's the Bridge!!! No, wait... those are gamer stations
bpende: Dude... you fragged my tank!
bpende: Eerie wiggly pencil man...
bpende: Like some kind of New York door store... but wider