BP Chua: Alpine Chough
BP Chua: Black-headed Gull
BP Chua: Common Coot
BP Chua: Common Merganser
BP Chua: Great Crested Grebe with chick
BP Chua: Red-crested Pochard
BP Chua: Mallard
BP Chua: House Sparrow
BP Chua: Mute Swan
BP Chua: White Wagtail
BP Chua: European Robin
BP Chua: White Wagtail
BP Chua: Black Redstart
BP Chua: Black Redstart
BP Chua: Alpine Chough
BP Chua: Common Coot
BP Chua: Black-headed Gull
BP Chua: Mallard
BP Chua: Mute Swan
BP Chua: Juvenile Mute Swan
BP Chua: Eurasian Chaffinch
BP Chua: Common Merganser
BP Chua: Great Crested Grebe
BP Chua: Common Blackbird
BP Chua: Great Tit
BP Chua: White-winged Snowfinch
BP Chua: Red-crested Pochard
BP Chua: Mute Swan
BP Chua: Mummy and her chicks
BP Chua: Grey Heron