bp6316: 129/365 - A daddy-daughter day
bp6316: 128?/365 - Oops, almost forgot
bp6316: 127/365 - No one ever is to blame
bp6316: 126/365 - Say hello to my little pink friend
bp6316: 125/365 - Guess who got his data back?!?!
bp6316: 124/365 - softball Monday ... Where rain suspends all the fun
bp6316: 123/365 - Maybe I'll be back one day
bp6316: 122/365 - I did it!
bp6316: 121/365 - Throwaway day
bp6316: 120/365 - Just a boy, standing in front of a girl, asking her to love him
bp6316: 119/365 - Given' a chance and a rock, see which one breaks a window
bp6316: 118/365 - Moon River
bp6316: 117/365 - Can't win 'em all...
bp6316: 116/365 - A real Redneck
bp6316: 115/365 - The upside is...
bp6316: Day 114/365 - Fail.
bp6316: 113/365 - It's gonna take a lot to drag me away from you
bp6316: 112/365 - Animal crackers
bp6316: 111/365 - Tell me it's real...
bp6316: 110/365 - I'm not OK!!!!!!!!
bp6316: 109/365 - My mind's somewhere north of here
bp6316: 108/365 - Today's photo is brought to you by the letter E and the number 24
bp6316: 106/365 - In the back of the bottom drawer
bp6316: 105/365 - I'm sorry I can't be perfect
bp6316: 104/365 - These are the times we all wish for
bp6316: 103/365 - There's your trouble
bp6316: 102/365 - Peeps in a bag
bp6316: 101/365 - I Can Only Imagine...
bp6316: 100/365 - What's in a number?
bp6316: 98/365 - It's 2 a.m. and I'm still awake writing this song