bpendleton: The Gum Wall
bpendleton: Sunset over a lake in Akron, Ohio
bpendleton: A cloudy day @ the Oklahoma City Memorial
bpendleton: Ama with Joy and bryan
bpendleton: Sad
bpendleton: Nature works in mysterious ways...
bpendleton: Phillip Wong getting into "drunken" character
bpendleton: .DSCF0065
bpendleton: Lemon Meringue Pie
bpendleton: .DSCF0025_edited-1
bpendleton: Joy cowering in fear of the Troll
bpendleton: Star of david-like magnetic sculpture
bpendleton: Fin
bpendleton: Spotted at PARC's motorcycle parking
bpendleton: Joylette as Cleopatra
bpendleton: Sunset over the foothills in San Mateo
bpendleton: The Airport Express
bpendleton: Growing column update - see notes on image for descriptions.
bpendleton: Star of david-like magnetic sculpture, iteration 2 (2 of 2)
bpendleton: Sean as a Swing State Poll
bpendleton: Headless Researcher...
bpendleton: 12012007073
bpendleton: Yeah, that's about got it right...
bpendleton: QE2
bpendleton: The Original Starbucks
bpendleton: Pippi
bpendleton: Joy with silly 3d folded object