bpendleton: Joy trying to spot the large petrified trees
bpendleton: Some description text (check out the full quality to read)
bpendleton: Joy at the start of the trail
bpendleton: A sizable piece of petrified wood...
bpendleton: Attempt at a close-up of the wood
bpendleton: The "Pit" Tree
bpendleton: Pit tree sign
bpendleton: Uncleaned petrified wood
bpendleton: Sign explaining uncleaned petrified wood
bpendleton: Odd characters nearby....
bpendleton: The Giant
bpendleton: Joy and I sitting on some petrified wood chunks
bpendleton: The Queen, pt1
bpendleton: The Queen, pt2
bpendleton: The Queen, pt 3
bpendleton: The Queen, stats sign
bpendleton: An excavation still in progress...
bpendleton: Sign explaining the excavation
bpendleton: A view from above another piece of wood