Bozoette: Day 1: reflection (doubled) #photoadayapril
Bozoette: Day 2: Colour (red bud tree) #photoadayapril
Bozoette: Day 3: Mail #photoadayapril
Bozoette: Day 4: someone who makes you happy (two "someones" - my beautiful sisters) #photoadayapril
Bozoette: Day 5: tiny (one of the Mites on Ice - a tiny hockey player - gets interviewed) #photoadayapril
Bozoette: Day 6: lunch (fatoosh with chicken - yum!) #photoadayapril
Bozoette: Day 7: shadow #photoadayapril
Bozoette: Day 8: inside my wallet) with my mom and son) #photoadayapril
Bozoette: Day 9: a younger you (age 8 - 1961)
Bozoette: Day 11: where I ate breakfast #photoadayapril
Bozoette: Day 10: cold (soda is mighty good with hot pizza!) #photoadayapril
Bozoette: Day 12: Stairs (very Williamsburg-y) #photoadayapril
Bozoette: Day 13: something you found (a Superball in the grass) #photoadayapril
Bozoette: Day 14: how I'm feeling (hah) #photoadayapril
Bozoette: Day 15: sunset (7:45 pm) #photoadayapril
Bozoette: Day 16: flower
Bozoette: Day 18: hair (a fresh cut is better than a stale cut, I guess) #photoadayapril
Bozoette: Day 17: something I don't like #photoadayapril
Bozoette: Day 19: orange (origami lilies) #photoadayapril
Bozoette: Day 21: bottle (antique milk bottles from my ancestors' dairy) #photoadayapril
Bozoette: Day 20: something I drew (and why I write for a living) #photoadayapril
Bozoette: Day 24: something I'm grateful for (a sunny day!) #photoadayapril
Bozoette: Day 23: vegetable (Steamfresh!) #photoadayapril
Bozoette: Day 22: the last thing I bought #photoadayapril
Bozoette: Day 25: looking down (the stairway to the ground floor) #photoadayapril
Bozoette: Day 27: somewhere I went (a ride on the bus) #photoadayapril
Bozoette: Day 28: 1 pm (where's lunch?)
Bozoette: Day 29: circle #photoadayapril
Bozoette: Day 30: something that makes me sad (my older brother Johnny, who was killed by a drunk driver at age 9 - I never knew him) #photoadayapril