Bozoette: Day 1: Up (and almost to the top) #marchphotoaday
Bozoette: Day 2: Fruit
Bozoette: Day 3: My neighborhood (on a rainy morning) #marchphotoaday
Bozoette: Day 4: Bedside (with my baby boy - he's 30 now!) #marchphotoaday
Bozoette: Day 5: Smile (and my favorite smiler) #marchphotoaday
Bozoette: Day 6: 5 pm (just a tad late) #marchphotoaday
Bozoette: Day 7: Something you wore (my favorite shirt in the whole entire world) #marchphotoaday
Bozoette: Day 8: Window (the view from my cube - I'm gonna miss it!)
Bozoette: Day 9: Red (cap leads to the medicine) #marchphotoaday
Bozoette: Day 10: Loud (Donald Cherry on Hockey Night in Canada - and not just the outfit!) #marchphotoaday
Bozoette: Day 11: Someone you talked to today (Ron, our favorite beer guy, getting our Molsons)
Bozoette: Day 12: Fork (on a dinner plate)
Bozoette: Day 13: Sign (find your bus!) #marchphotoaday
Bozoette: Day 14: Clouds
Bozoette: Day 16: Sunglasses
Bozoette: Day 15: Car (McLaren MP4-12C - goes from 0-60 in 3.1 seconds, top speed 205, 592 horsepower. I took the pic from the TV during Top Gear.) #marchphotoaday
Bozoette: Day 17: Green (the remains of an Irish Flag shot) #marchphotoaday
Bozoette: Day 18: a corner of my house (shhh) #marchphotoaday
Bozoette: Day 19: Funny (don't re-enact scenes from Platoon with Charlie Sheen) #marchphotoaday
Bozoette: Day 20: before and after (from 2006 at Cafe du Monde, New Orleans) #marchphotoaday
Bozoette: Day 21: delicious (Jameson chocolate chip pecan blondie) #marchphotoaday #weetacon
Bozoette: Day 22: kitchen sink (well, the sink in our room) #marchphotoaday #weetacon
Bozoette: Day 24: animal (one of the Percherons at the Rock K Ranch) #weetacon #marchphotoaday
Bozoette: Day 25: breakfast (a day late alas) #marchphotoaday
Bozoette: Day 26: key (use this one to wind my antique clock)
Bozoette: Day 27: your name (my cube name tag with bauble) #marchphotoaday
Bozoette: Day 28: Trash
Bozoette: Day 29: Feet
Bozoette: Day 30: Toy (meet Baby Bear) #marchphotoaday
Bozoette: Day 31: where I relax (ah, sofa!) #marchphotoaday