Bozoette: Welcome Alumni
Bozoette: Circus World
Bozoette: Joe and Lou
Bozoette: Girl Clowns Meet and Greet
Bozoette: Registration
Bozoette: Where's My Nametag?
Bozoette: Circus Posters
Bozoette: Flying Trapeze
Bozoette: Politically Incorrect
Bozoette: Early Circus Wagon
Bozoette: History Lesson
Bozoette: The Ringling Family
Bozoette: Props and Stuff
Bozoette: Clown College Classes
Bozoette: Class of '75
Bozoette: Browsing the Clown College Memorabilia
Bozoette: Walkaround Sketches
Bozoette: Janice and Mary
Bozoette: Gathering for the Welcome
Bozoette: Climbing on the Circus Wagon
Bozoette: Sleepy Girl
Bozoette: Welcome
Bozoette: Across the River
Bozoette: Hippodrome
Bozoette: Advertising Car
Bozoette: Ringling Train Cars
Bozoette: Sideshow Banners
Bozoette: Fat Lady
Bozoette: Fire Eater and Dog-Faced Boy