Bozoette: Registration
Bozoette: Boas!
Bozoette: Joe and Steve
Bozoette: Gathering at Freedom Plaza
Bozoette: Donning Our Team Tee-Shirts
Bozoette: Drinks for All
Bozoette: Dig the Hollywood Shades
Bozoette: Hottie McShutterbug
Bozoette: Veronica Johnson of NBC4
Bozoette: Our Team
Bozoette: Walking toward the Capitol
Bozoette: Three Behinds
Bozoette: Crane and Capitol
Bozoette: Dunbar High School Marching Band
Bozoette: Dunbar High School Drum Majors
Bozoette: Dunbar High School Dancers
Bozoette: Dunbar High School Dancers
Bozoette: The Capitol
Bozoette: Washington Monument
Bozoette: Cheering On the Walkers
Bozoette: The Crowd
Bozoette: The Crowd at Freedom Plaza
Bozoette: The End!