ReLaBo47: Periphery in the 70's: trading and playing
ReLaBo47: Periphery in the 70's: trading and playing
ReLaBo47: Periferia '70: noia alla finestra
ReLaBo47: Spiando lei che torna / Spying her coming back
ReLaBo47: Periferia '70: andate, la messa è finita
ReLaBo47: Gate to ...
ReLaBo47: Freezing
ReLaBo47: Senza titolo
ReLaBo47: Army and navy
ReLaBo47: Quartiere Ca'Emiliani
ReLaBo47: Quartiere Ca'Emiliani
ReLaBo47: Quartiere Ca'Emiliani
ReLaBo47: Merry-go-round
ReLaBo47: Circo di periferia / Suburbian circus
ReLaBo47: Circo di periferia / Suburbian circus
ReLaBo47: Archeo_Industria
ReLaBo47: Sicurezza_Prevenzione
ReLaBo47: Archeologia industriale / Industrial Archeology
ReLaBo47: Archeologia industriale / Industrial Archeology
ReLaBo47: Suburbia guys in the sixties
ReLaBo47: Suburbia guys in the sixties
ReLaBo47: Beyond the wall
ReLaBo47: Rare cows in the plain
ReLaBo47: IMG_3645.jpg