ReLaBo47: IMG_0028
ReLaBo47: Honi soit qui mal y pense
ReLaBo47: P1010095
ReLaBo47: A portrait in the sixties
ReLaBo47: Back in the sixties
ReLaBo47: Sweet
ReLaBo47: My beloved and unique model
ReLaBo47: My beloved and unique model
ReLaBo47: My beloved and unique model
ReLaBo47: Spiando lei che torna / Spying her coming back
ReLaBo47: Promesse/Promises
ReLaBo47: Portrait in B&W
ReLaBo47: She, in a dull sunday, 1969
ReLaBo47: Freezing
ReLaBo47: come in!
ReLaBo47: Door
ReLaBo47: Intesa / Meeting of minds
ReLaBo47: Winter sun in Paris, December 1991
ReLaBo47: The tree branches will blossom
ReLaBo47: Beauty mirroring art
ReLaBo47: Sweet and lovely
ReLaBo47: She in the 70s
ReLaBo47: Chance or Reincarnation?
ReLaBo47: "She"
ReLaBo47: Apple picking
ReLaBo47: Ritrattino a rimpiattino
ReLaBo47: Again and again
ReLaBo47: Aura
ReLaBo47: Love in the woods
ReLaBo47: SelfHome