ReLaBo47: Loneliness
ReLaBo47: Urban image mixed up
ReLaBo47: An olive twig lost in Rome
ReLaBo47: Rome in the old days?
ReLaBo47: Heroes
ReLaBo47: What did he say?
ReLaBo47: Power is a matter of viewpoint
ReLaBo47: Thought and action
ReLaBo47: Timeless sadness
ReLaBo47: Caution
ReLaBo47: Swift for what?
ReLaBo47: IMG_0293
ReLaBo47: Quietly by the river in Paris
ReLaBo47: IMG_0295
ReLaBo47: Early morning strolling in Paris
ReLaBo47: Filigrane Parisienne
ReLaBo47: P1010084
ReLaBo47: Geometrie rotte
ReLaBo47: Middle class
ReLaBo47: IMG_0308_edited.jpg
ReLaBo47: IMG_0315_edited.jpg
ReLaBo47: IMG_0607_edited.jpg
ReLaBo47: Light and modern art
ReLaBo47: IMG_0686_edited.jpg
ReLaBo47: IMG_0732_edited.jpg
ReLaBo47: Glasgow
ReLaBo47: Glasgow University
ReLaBo47: Glasgow University
ReLaBo47: San Gaetano