boywu1985: Pebble
boywu1985: Beetle
boywu1985: Annual rings
boywu1985: Lotus/ water lily
boywu1985: IMG_3461
boywu1985: Family at the beach
boywu1985: Flowers on the wall
boywu1985: St. Dunstan's Anglican Church
boywu1985: Leaves
boywu1985: British Columbia Parliament Buildings
boywu1985: Seagull
boywu1985: Seagull
boywu1985: Two seagulls standing on the street light pole
boywu1985: Seagull
boywu1985: Delta Victoria Ocean Pointe Resort & Spa
boywu1985: A couple at the harbour
boywu1985: A photographer walking around the BC Parliament Buildings
boywu1985: Bird
boywu1985: Sarah's concert at Spiral Cafe
boywu1985: Little girl riding a bicycle
boywu1985: DSC_1166-2
boywu1985: Squirrel
boywu1985: Deer
boywu1985: Spring
boywu1985: DSC_0697-4
boywu1985: Empty classroom
boywu1985: Curious face
boywu1985: Peacock
boywu1985: DSC_1739-2
boywu1985: Fisgard Lighthouse. Victoria, BC, Canada