boydsshufa: Couplet by Yao Jianhong
boydsshufa: WU-- Thing, Creature, Critter, Object
boydsshufa: Shou -- Longevity
boydsshufa: GREEN MOUNTAIN PERCH by Li Bai
boydsshufa: SHEN -- "Spirit"
boydsshufa: LONG -- "Dragon"
boydsshufa: LONG -"Dragon"
boydsshufa: WU--"Nothing, Not, Empty, Without"
boydsshufa: TIAN ZHI AI -- "God Is Love...God's Love"
boydsshufa: QI--Breath, Force, Vitality, Energy, Animous, Enlivening Principle, Mind, Consciousness, Being, Metabolism, That Which Moves, Warms, Protects, Communicates...
boydsshufa: Qing Jing Wei Tian Xia Zheng--"Pure Stillness Corrects Everything Under Heaven"
boydsshufa: WU : Nothing, nothingness, empty, emptiness, without, not, lacking, un-, im-, negate, emptiness from which...
boydsshufa: QI--"Energy"
boydsshufa: 1-1-09(Right): "Get Well Soon!" (Left): "Good Health!"
boydsshufa: LONG--"Dragon"
boydsshufa: LONG, Dragon with ink, brush @ studio
boydsshufa: FENG SHUI -- "Wind and Water" detail
boydsshufa: WanWuTongXing, DaDaoWuMing
boydsshufa: JING -- "Tranquility"
boydsshufa: LONG - "Dragon" :detail
boydsshufa: LONG -- "Dragon"
boydsshufa: Qin Ba Yi Song Wan He
boydsshufa: LONG -- "Dragon" detail
boydsshufa: QI -- "Energy", breath, force, animous, prana...
boydsshufa: Rain Mountain
boydsshufa: LONG -- "Dragon"
boydsshufa: DAO DE JING : Xuan...xuan, Miao...Men
boydsshufa: AI -- Love