BoydPhotoSpot: Tropical Checkered Skipper (2)
BoydPhotoSpot: Tropical Checkered Skipper (1)
BoydPhotoSpot: Tropical Checkered Skipper (3)
BoydPhotoSpot: Tropical Checkered Skipper (6)
BoydPhotoSpot: Tropical Checkered Skipper (5)
BoydPhotoSpot: Tropical Checkered Skipper (4)
BoydPhotoSpot: Tropical Checkered Skipper (7)
BoydPhotoSpot: Red-spotted Purple hiding in Pokeweed
BoydPhotoSpot: Common Buckeye (1)
BoydPhotoSpot: Common Buckeye (3)
BoydPhotoSpot: Common Buckeye (2)
BoydPhotoSpot: Long-tailed Skipper on Black-eyed Susan
BoydPhotoSpot: Busy Pipevine Swallowtail (2)
BoydPhotoSpot: Busy Pipevine Swallowtail (1)
BoydPhotoSpot: Busy Pipevine Swallowtail (3)
BoydPhotoSpot: Busy Pipevine Swallowtail (5)
BoydPhotoSpot: Busy Pipevine Swallowtail (4)
BoydPhotoSpot: Swallowtail and Chinch bug in a gust of wind (3)
BoydPhotoSpot: Swallowtail and Chinch bug in a gust of wind (2)
BoydPhotoSpot: Swallowtail and Chinch bug in a gust of wind (1)
BoydPhotoSpot: Swallowtail and Chinch bug in a gust of wind (4)
BoydPhotoSpot: Swallowtail and Chinch bug in a gust of wind (5)
BoydPhotoSpot: Silver Spotted Skipper on Snow Squarestem
BoydPhotoSpot: Pipevine Swallowtail in a Field of Yellow (4)
BoydPhotoSpot: Pipevine Swallowtail in a Field of Yellow (3)
BoydPhotoSpot: Pipevine Swallowtail in a Field of Yellow (2)
BoydPhotoSpot: Pipevine Swallowtail in a Field of Yellow (1)
BoydPhotoSpot: Pipevine Swallowtail in a Field of Yellow (5)
BoydPhotoSpot: Pipevine Swallowtail in a Field of Yellow (6)
BoydPhotoSpot: Pipevine Swallowtail on Snow Squarestem (4)