BoydPhotoSpot: American Goldfinch male on Indian Blanket (1) of 9
BoydPhotoSpot: American Goldfinch male on Indian Blanket (3) of 9
BoydPhotoSpot: American Goldfinch male on Indian Blanket (2) of 9
BoydPhotoSpot: American Goldfinch male on Indian Blanket (4) of 9
BoydPhotoSpot: American Goldfinch male on Indian Blanket (6) of 9
BoydPhotoSpot: American Goldfinch male on Indian Blanket (5) of 9
BoydPhotoSpot: American Goldfinch male on Indian Blanket (8) of 9
BoydPhotoSpot: American Goldfinch male on Indian Blanket (7) of 9
BoydPhotoSpot: American Goldfinch male on Indian Blanket (9) of 9
BoydPhotoSpot: Tree Swallow, Hanging in there (1)
BoydPhotoSpot: Tree Swallow, Hanging in there (3)
BoydPhotoSpot: Tree Swallow, Hanging in there (2)
BoydPhotoSpot: Tree Swallow, Hanging in there (4)
BoydPhotoSpot: Ruby-Throated Hummingbird quick pass on Early Goldenrod (1) of 6
BoydPhotoSpot: Ruby-Throated Hummingbird quick pass on Early Goldenrod (2) of 6
BoydPhotoSpot: Ruby-Throated Hummingbird quick pass on Early Goldenrod (5) of 6
BoydPhotoSpot: Ruby-Throated Hummingbird quick pass on Early Goldenrod (4) of 6
BoydPhotoSpot: Ruby-Throated Hummingbird quick pass on Early Goldenrod (3) of 6
BoydPhotoSpot: Ruby-Throated Hummingbird quick pass on Early Goldenrod (6) of 6
BoydPhotoSpot: Tree Swallow, watching closely
BoydPhotoSpot: DSC05772-ARW-20240618-DxO_DeepPRIME-Edit
BoydPhotoSpot: American Goldfinch male (2)
BoydPhotoSpot: American Goldfinch male (1)
BoydPhotoSpot: American Goldfinch male (4)
BoydPhotoSpot: American Goldfinch male (3)
BoydPhotoSpot: American Goldfinch male (6)
BoydPhotoSpot: American Goldfinch male (5)
BoydPhotoSpot: Red-headed Woodpecker from way far away! (1)
BoydPhotoSpot: Red-headed Woodpecker from way far away! (2)
BoydPhotoSpot: Red-headed Woodpeckers feeding their Fledgling (3)