the boxpilot: DSC_0623
the boxpilot: DSC_0624
the boxpilot: DSC_0627
the boxpilot: DSC_0628
the boxpilot: DSC_0629
the boxpilot: DSC_0630
the boxpilot: DSC_0631
the boxpilot: DSC_0632
the boxpilot: DSC_0633
the boxpilot: DSC_0634
the boxpilot: DSC_0636
the boxpilot: waiting for corn dogs
the boxpilot: corn dog story
the boxpilot: eating corn dogs
the boxpilot: reaching
the boxpilot: searching
the boxpilot: shades 2
the boxpilot: no, those look better on me
the boxpilot: baby, which shades do you think look best with my open shirted chest?
the boxpilot: ummm . . .
the boxpilot: pose for me
the boxpilot: maybe these ones?
the boxpilot: so many choices, so little time
the boxpilot: this guy loves shades, britney's not sure
the boxpilot: teen wolf
the boxpilot: who are you reminding me of?
the boxpilot: pink thing 1
the boxpilot: pink thing 2
the boxpilot: shades 1
the boxpilot: do i want these or not?