the boxpilot: DSC_0003
the boxpilot: DSC_0004
the boxpilot: DSC_0006
the boxpilot: DSC_0007
the boxpilot: train snacks
the boxpilot: Matty loves the train
the boxpilot: at the San Diego stop
the boxpilot: do we have the right return tix?
the boxpilot: inside the San Diego station
the boxpilot: tram station 1
the boxpilot: ceiling
the boxpilot: tram station 2
the boxpilot: waiting for the tram
the boxpilot: please stay off of the yellow line
the boxpilot: line watcher 1
the boxpilot: tram station 3
the boxpilot: matty waits for the tram
the boxpilot: bored of waiting already
the boxpilot: that guy
the boxpilot: akira shirt
the boxpilot: on the tram
the boxpilot: headed into the convention center
the boxpilot: nerd herd
the boxpilot: Matty with "his" toys
the boxpilot: what's going on here?
the boxpilot: Matty and friends
the boxpilot: Matty and Optimus Prime