bowiesnodgrass: I: Jesus is condemned to death
bowiesnodgrass: I: detail
bowiesnodgrass: II: Jesus takes up his cross
bowiesnodgrass: II: detail
bowiesnodgrass: III: Jesus falls for the first time
bowiesnodgrass: III: detail
bowiesnodgrass: IV: Jesus meets his afflicted mother
bowiesnodgrass: IV: detail
bowiesnodgrass: V: The cross is laid on Simon the Cyrene
bowiesnodgrass: V: detail of reluctant heroes
bowiesnodgrass: VI: A woman wipes the face of Jesus
bowiesnodgrass: VI: detail
bowiesnodgrass: VII: Jesus falls a second time
bowiesnodgrass: VII: Sarah rising
bowiesnodgrass: VII: Sarah falling
bowiesnodgrass: VII: falling a second time
bowiesnodgrass: VIII: Jesus meets the women of Jerusalem
bowiesnodgrass: VIII: detail
bowiesnodgrass: IX: Jesus falls a third time
bowiesnodgrass: IX: close up
bowiesnodgrass: X: Jesus is stripped of his garments
bowiesnodgrass: X: detail on Leo Steinberg
bowiesnodgrass: X: a stripped Jesus
bowiesnodgrass: X: images of this scene
bowiesnodgrass: View to chapel and station XI
bowiesnodgrass: XI: Jesus is nailed to the cross
bowiesnodgrass: XII: Jesus dies on the cross
bowiesnodgrass: XIII: The body of Jesus is placed in the arms of his mother
bowiesnodgrass: XIV: Jesus is laid in the tomb
bowiesnodgrass: XIV: detail