bowiesnodgrass: bracelets, stickers, sign up!
bowiesnodgrass: Br. Kevin Hackett, SSJE from Cowley Publications
bowiesnodgrass: Calvin, David, Megan & Daniel
bowiesnodgrass: da young folk
bowiesnodgrass: waiting for the action to begin
bowiesnodgrass: bono on the big screen
bowiesnodgrass: trying to find a seat
bowiesnodgrass: bread for the U2charist
bowiesnodgrass: wine for the U2charist
bowiesnodgrass: such a sweet wave
bowiesnodgrass: the time is almost now
bowiesnodgrass: not the only one taking photos!
bowiesnodgrass: camera man makes his move
bowiesnodgrass: U2 fan with raised hands
bowiesnodgrass: can I get a witness?
bowiesnodgrass: Bishop Michael Curry of N Carolina, preacher!
bowiesnodgrass: preach it!
bowiesnodgrass: Bishop Curry sermon
bowiesnodgrass: Bp Curry rocks!
bowiesnodgrass: oh, yeah, you know what I'm talking about
bowiesnodgrass: Bp Michael Curry
bowiesnodgrass: signing the song One
bowiesnodgrass: sermon response
bowiesnodgrass: U2 and Nicene Creed
bowiesnodgrass: another wall opened up to make room
bowiesnodgrass: passing the peace
bowiesnodgrass: preparing the table
bowiesnodgrass: pointing out the way
bowiesnodgrass: celebrating the Eucharist
bowiesnodgrass: lay eucharistic ministers