bowiesnodgrass: Banner by Lectern
bowiesnodgrass: Women's Wall goes up
bowiesnodgrass: pipe organ practice
bowiesnodgrass: Clergy at Trinity
bowiesnodgrass: convention center view
bowiesnodgrass: registration booths
bowiesnodgrass: EBNR banners
bowiesnodgrass: Thomas our translator
bowiesnodgrass: Church Publishing booth
bowiesnodgrass: Cowley
bowiesnodgrass: quilts and palm trees
bowiesnodgrass: ring the bell
bowiesnodgrass: tshirts 1
bowiesnodgrass: tshirts 2
bowiesnodgrass: liturgical goodies
bowiesnodgrass: Chaplains
bowiesnodgrass: view of the Convention Center
bowiesnodgrass: translators at work
bowiesnodgrass: Presiding Bishop greets Convention
bowiesnodgrass: pulpit and candles
bowiesnodgrass: Bishops
bowiesnodgrass: Young Adult Festival
bowiesnodgrass: Young Adult Festival 2