James Bowes: Heating the mash water
James Bowes: Grains
James Bowes: Mashtun
James Bowes: RDWHAHB
James Bowes: After the first mash
James Bowes: Ready to recirculate
James Bowes: Recirculating
James Bowes: Siphoning
James Bowes: more siphoning
James Bowes: Siphoning off the "Sparge"
James Bowes: Ready to Boil!
James Bowes: Spent grains
James Bowes: Hot break starting
James Bowes: Immersion Chiller
James Bowes: XxChillZxX
James Bowes: Siphoning to the carboy
James Bowes: Straining the rest
James Bowes: Hit my mark!
James Bowes: krausen
James Bowes: siphoning to bottling bucket
James Bowes: end of siphon
James Bowes: Having a home brew
James Bowes: Sanitized
James Bowes: Bottling
James Bowes: All done