Steve Bowbrick: The DJ at Tom Bentley's leaving party
Steve Bowbrick: At Tom Bentley's leaving party
Steve Bowbrick: At Tom Bentley's leaving party
Steve Bowbrick: At Tom Bentley's leaving party
Steve Bowbrick: Tom Bentley's leaving party - a panorama
Steve Bowbrick: The DJ at Tom Bentley's leaving party
Steve Bowbrick: Tom Bentley at his leaving party
Steve Bowbrick: At Tom Bentley's leaving party
Steve Bowbrick: At Tom Bentley's leaving party
Steve Bowbrick: At Tom Bentley's leaving party
Steve Bowbrick: Jonathan Kestenbaum, Chief Executive, NESTA
Steve Bowbrick: Geoff Mulgan at Tom Bentley's leaving party
Steve Bowbrick: Geoff Mulgan at Tom Bentley's leaving party
Steve Bowbrick: Speeches were made
Steve Bowbrick: Tom Bentley
Steve Bowbrick: Nice Demos greeters at Tom Bentley's leaving party
Steve Bowbrick: Rich Mix, at the top of Brick Lane