Steve Bowbrick: Juliet schmoozing
Steve Bowbrick: Demonstrating a grater
Steve Bowbrick: At Olympia
Steve Bowbrick: Sampling at Olympia
Steve Bowbrick: Concealing your Nazi past
Steve Bowbrick: The La Maison de Provence Stand
Steve Bowbrick: At Olympia
Steve Bowbrick: Viv closing the sale
Steve Bowbrick: Dolls on the La Maison de Provence stand
Steve Bowbrick: Viv Fraser
Steve Bowbrick: Amazing clocks at Olympia
Steve Bowbrick: Amazing clocks at Olympia
Steve Bowbrick: Juliet at Olympia
Steve Bowbrick: Juliet and Colin on the La Maison de Provence stand
Steve Bowbrick: Colin Fraser
Steve Bowbrick: At Olympia
Steve Bowbrick: Waiting for a Celebrity Chef