kboul: Svartbag
kboul: Northern visitor
kboul: Close formation
kboul: Finally a sunny morning
kboul: Crossroads
kboul: Wet cormorant
kboul: Barnacle goose
kboul: The Rook
kboul: The Explorer
kboul: Common kestrel
kboul: Coming in
kboul: Hen harrier
kboul: Eurasian jay with a nut
kboul: Northern shoveller couple.
kboul: Cormorant flyby
kboul: Give me the fish!
kboul: Barn swallow
kboul: Northern shovelers
kboul: The pond race
kboul: Greylag geese
kboul: Nest builder
kboul: The hunter
kboul: Birdwatching
kboul: Airshow
kboul: Pied avocet
kboul: Going home
kboul: Uncommon
kboul: Dedication
kboul: Juvenile peregrine falcon
kboul: Childsplay