Melody Fury: Definitely not a good representation of a seafood platter in Venice. Everything was soggy and limp. I'll share a better one soon.
Melody Fury: The owner decorated the space with countless photos of and drawings by his son. I suspect they're intended to make the bill easier to swallow somehow.
Melody Fury: More risotto.
Melody Fury: Seafood risotto, served table side.
Melody Fury: Blindsided by crème caramel
Melody Fury: Tiramisu, brought to the table "on the house" style... except they billed us after.
Melody Fury: They brought a round of grappa to the table too. The yellow things are sweet and dense S-shaped cookies called Essi. They're readily found throughout Venice but never grew on me.
Melody Fury: When they brought out samples of the (rather bland) risotto, it was too late to turn around. Our restless group already opened a bottle of vino.
Melody Fury: Trattoria Al Gazzettino in Venice, Italy