Melody Fury: People watching while nibbling on escargots w a bucket of crusty bread in Lille
Melody Fury: Gorgeous train station at Lille
Melody Fury: Duo de poissans au curry en cassoulet at Lille
Melody Fury: Trio of desserts w an espresso, chillin watching the French go by
Melody Fury: Most amazing jambon de cochonne iberique... Words cannot deascribe.
Melody Fury: Terrine de foies... Chicken liver w chantrelle mushrooms n beet salad
Melody Fury: Celery root purée to go w my hare stuffed w foie gras in blood sauce
Melody Fury: Cochon rotie... Pork the size of my face the most amazing potatoes
Melody Fury: Picnic by a fountain 1: rabbit pate, olive baguette, smoked duck
Melody Fury: Picnic by a fountain 2: muscat grapes, figs, meats
Melody Fury: Picnic by a fountain 3: passionfruit mousse cake and pistachio éclaire
Melody Fury: Love the the spunky new art vs stranger old art around Paris
Melody Fury: Always a touch of 'juvenile' love in classical art I'm not sure I'm misreading
Melody Fury: Proof I'm in Paris 1: Louvre and fountain. The French loves fountains. Nothing clever to say.
Melody Fury: Paris 2: at the pyramid hoping to see Mona Lisa or Tom Hanks... But did not want to put down wine filled mug
Melody Fury: Proof I'm in Paris 3: heart gargoyles heart heart heart
Melody Fury: I'm in Paris 4: genius art installment 'cymbals'. Viewers experience l'art by trying 2 hit w coins
Melody Fury: Happy hour by the Moulin Rouge...
Melody Fury: At the centre Pompidou right now
Melody Fury: Going up an escalator that drops off at the end
Melody Fury: Mel meets the Mona Lisa
Melody Fury: Most gorgeous charcuterie and cheese by the Seine, Paris 1
Melody Fury: Most gorgeous charcuterie and cheese by the Seine, Paris 2: cheeses galore!
Melody Fury: Most gorgeous charcuterie and cheese by the Seine, Paris 3: wicked bread
Melody Fury: Most gorgeous charcuterie and cheese by the Seine, Paris 4: too much!!
Melody Fury: Impromptu couscous + hip hop night. Random and delicious.
Melody Fury: Enjoying caramel pear and "bamboo" macha pastries by Sadaharu Aoki at cafe
Melody Fury: Sadaharu Aoki's yuzu, wasabi, sesame n genmacha macarons mmm
Melody Fury: Snagged a 2007 Cahors Malbec for 1/2 price and spent rest of evening chatting w owner in closed restaurant. Most memorable evening in the Latin Quarter
Melody Fury: Tribute to perigourdine noir duck. Confit, breast in honey, best garlic potatoes i've ever had