DezCreates: Looking out into the foggy sea
DezCreates: Cheese balls I say!
DezCreates: We were way up there
DezCreates: Just before parasailing
DezCreates: Mary likes it out here
DezCreates: Sunset in Pine Bluffs
DezCreates: Steve on the deck at Annie's in Pine Bluffs
DezCreates: on the deck in Pine Bluffs
DezCreates: Mary on the deck in Pine Bluffs
DezCreates: Sunset in Pine Bluffs
DezCreates: Mary and the sunset in Pine Bluffs
DezCreates: Steve and the sunset in Pine Bluffs
DezCreates: Henna
DezCreates: Lighthouse in Edgartown, Martha's Vineyard
DezCreates: Lighthouse in Edgartown, Martha's Vineyard
DezCreates: Us and the underwhelming lighthouse
DezCreates: XL helmut
DezCreates: Mary in Pine Bluffs
DezCreates: Shark!!!
DezCreates: Cheesy
DezCreates: Vogue
DezCreates: Hey.... Nice boat
DezCreates: Mmm. Water
DezCreates: Why do I do this when someone is taking my picture?
DezCreates: I forget his name, but he was really good
DezCreates: Smock
DezCreates: Dingys
DezCreates: Fog in Hyanniss